Personal Injury Accidents

Everyday, people experience life-changing injuries they never imagined would happen to them. An unfortunate automobile accident, a trip and fall on a sidewalk, a defective product can all happen without notice.
If you experience an injury due to an accident, it is common to feel helpless and unsure of what steps are needed to preserve your legal rights. In addition to the pain and suffering you are experiencing, it is common to immediately start getting calls from police officers, private investigators, insurance adjusters and more. How to handle these calls, and the hours/days after an accident, are extremely critical to any case.
One of the first things an injured individual thinks about is their inability to work. Additionally, medical bills start piling up and there is no way to pay them. At the same time, you may experience emotional turmoil. We are here to help you to safeguard your rights and your case against the negligent party. Call us to speak to one of our Nassau Attorneys.
Results You Can Rely On
Every case that our Nassau attorneys handle is done on an individual basis. No two cases are alike and case shouldn’t be treated as though they are. The medical attention you require may differ from that, which another person has to undergo. Your care may be long-term and someone else’s might be short-term. You might need to have physical therapy and they may be able to return to work right away. Whatever the case may be; you can count on us to produce results by helping you file your injury claim. We’re results-driven, which means we won’t stop until we get results.
Wining You Case
Part of our job is finding out as much as we can about the accident. To win your case we will have to investigate what occurred. We will also have to speak with medical experts about your condition to start building your case. The physicians that we work with are very instrumental in helping us build a winning case. They help us understand, more fully, the medical care and attention that you may require and the cost associated with it.
Complimentary Consultation
If you’ve experienced a personal injury accident, the last thing you may want to do is talk to anyone. However, when you are ready to start talking to someone, make sure you contact our office and one of our Nassau County Attorneys. We offer you a complimentary consultation to help you determine how to move forward with a lawsuit. You are under no obligation to use our services but it would certainly be in your best interest to do so. Winning personal injury cases is what we do best.
Why Choose to Work With Our Attorneys
Our Nassau attorneys have been chosen based on their experience and track record. We only work with the most seasoned attorney because they are driven. It is their drive and determination that makes it possible for us to win your case. Our attorneys are attentive and and will evaluate your case fully. Rest assured, our attorneys will give you our legal opinion from the start. You will be equipped with all the information needed to make well-informed decisions regarding your case. Do not hesitate to call us to schedule your consultation today.